Thursday 5 May 2011

Call Me App - Postcard From Beginning

Below you will find a postcard of my App from the beginning! 

This picture shows the App on its own on an iPhone, this shows what the App really looks like. I then decided to make the App small and added it to an iPhone. When the App it will take you into a screen that enables you to set an alarm for the specific event and you then click save which will enable you to program the App to your needs such as for the alert message you would write "Phone Mike" this would be your reminder. once you click OK you are asked to pick what type of reminder it is such as a Phone Call, Text, Meeting etc. 

Below is a picture of my App that I  included on an iPhone.

Call Me Brief - App Picture

In order to make an App that looks professional I decided that I would use Photoshop to enhance the appearance of the App logo. 

I personally think that my App Logo is effective and I think it was well designed. I think I used an effective colour scheme for my App.

Sarah-Louise Reynolds

Call Me Brief - App Final Hand In

I personally think that my App Video turned out better than expected and I hope that you enjoy it.

Sarah-Louise Reynolds

Call Me Brief - How App Video Was Made

In order to make this Video, I had to decide whether I was going to use my iPhone 4 or use my Camcorder. I weighed up the pros and cons of both and i decided that it was a better choice to use my iPhone 4 as the quality of the video would be better.

Before starting to make the Video I had to sit down and plan what I wanted to be included in the Video and where the scenes would be shot. Once I had decided on what I wanted to be included in the video and where I wanted it to be shot I then went on to start recording the scenes. I decided that it would be better to take a number of shots from different angles so that I could decided on which I liked the best. After 2hours of recording I was finally finished and was able to take the recordings into editing software to edit my Video.

Before I started to edit the recordings I had to pick out which were the best and what angles I liked the best, I also had to take the recordings from my iPhone 4 and take them into windows live movie maker and save them out as .AVI files so that they were able to be edited. Once the recordings were saved out as .AVI files I was then able to import them into Final Cut Pro and begin editing the Video.  

Once the recordings were joined together I then started editing it and adding effects and transitions that I thought would only enhance the appearance.

Sarah-Louise Reynolds

Call Me Brief - Planning Process

in order for me to begin this app, i firstly had to plan what i wanted it to look like, what the purpose of the app was and what  I wanted it to do.

So I started the planning process by doing spider diagrams.

Call Me Brief - Extending The Brief!

The call me app will enable its users to plan their days out around important things that they need to do such as important calls to make, important meetings to attend. We hear at Revolution Apps aim to please our customers by adding the most up to date features in our Apps.

Features that this app will contain:
  • Bluetooth – this feature will enable the phone to contact the party concerned without the user having to lift their hand to dial the number.
  • Calendar – this feature will enable the user to select the date/time in which they need to complete an important task such as a phone call or meeting.
  • Type of reminder – text/call/meeting/facebook etc – this feature will allow the user to enter information on what they need to do such as what the call is regarding or what the meeting could be regarding.
  • Alarm- this feature allows the user to select the time in which they need to set a reminder so that they can make sure that they phone the person concerned etc.
  • Vibrating effect - this feature makes the phone vibrate, this helps you remember that you need to make that important phone call etc. 
Sarah-Louise Reynolds

Call Me Brief - App Situation Description

You have just met someone and arranged to call/meet/facebook them. So this app will enable you to program your life so that on a specific hour/day when you have something important to do your phone will be your personal planner.

Firstly it will alert you that you had arranged to call/text/meet/facebook the person that you met recently, so when you are close to the time in which you told that certain someone that you would contact them then your phone will vibrate every two minutes so that you do not miss anything important that you had planned to do. A pop up message will appear to alert you to who you have to contact and what it is regarding. This is a simple way of reminding you of important things that you do not what to miss. Another features that this app will incorporate is the alarm feature, this is a major feature in this app and will alert the user every 20 minutes that they must not forget to complete the task that they agreed to do such as an important phone call etc. if you fail to complete the agreed task your alarm will continue to alert you every 20minutes until the task has been completed. The alarm feature has been timed so that 4hours after the time the task was meant to take place the alarm will stop and the app will take it upon itself to contact the party concerned and will send them a text message to alert them that you are busy and that you will contact them soon. Another feature that the app will have is a Bluetooth feature that will enable the phone to contact the party concerned without you having to dial the number or to even pick you the phone, the phone will bleep to alert you that the phone call has started.

If this matter has not been dealt with by the next morning the app will then contact the party concerned via facebook and phone call to alert that you have forgotten to call then and that you are deeply apologetic and that they should contact you. 

Sarah-Louise Reynolds 

Call Me Brief - App

Once I received this brief i instantly decided that I would create and App that would suit this brief to a "T", before I could start this brief I had to work out what i wanted to include in the App and what users would be looking the app to do.

I decided that i would ask my friends if they had this App what would they want it to do and how they would like it to work. So with this insight I started the planning process.

Sarah-Louise Reynolds

Call Me Brief

Call me! - txt me! - fb me! - tweet me!- email me!
People always have so much on their minds and remembering to call someone can become quite a challenge so a product needs to be designed that can be slid into everyone’s everyday life to eliminate forgotten contact arrangements and frustrating forgetfulness to call someone



Description of situation (1/2 page) - wk10
Brief - wk 11 (1/2 page) extending the brief
Postcard from the begining  (Jpeg image 450px wide, not moore than 30k file size) - wk10
A3 sketchbook - wk13
Youtube video presentation - wk13

Dowel Rod and Stick!

After many hours of cutting the Stick & Dowel with a hand saw, my poor hands were so happy when i had to hand this assignment in as the blisters on my hand finally got to heal.

I found this Assignment a hard one to get my head around but once I did I think I created a good piece of work that looked professional. 

Sarah-Louise Reynolds

Dowel Rod and Stick Assignment 2

This assignment was one of the most tricky I have ever had to do. I firstly had to go out and find a stick that was within the measurements set in the brief. i then had to go to B&Q to buy a dowel rod. This task in itself was very hard because the Dowel Rod didn't fit in my car.

After many hours of scribbling on pages with possible ideas i finally came up with the idea of a "Tree" and I decided that I would Call it ReGenesis.

This Assignment had to be handed in on the 22nd Of March.

Sarah-Louise Reynolds

Dowel Rod and Stick Assignment

This assignment is designed to challenge you to design and make a “beautiful”, “interesting” artefact.
It is based around the idea that you can create a simple sculptural piece with a stick and a dowel rod.
The stick should be sized between 30mm to 45mm diameter and have length of between 300 and 450 mm.

The dowel should be between 3mm and 10mm diameter and have a length between 10mm and 3000mm


You should create a sculptural piece that uses both pieces as they intersect. You make cuts in either the stick or the dowel to allow intersection and to add “beauty and interest”

You can glue the components together if you wish. No screws or other fixings are allowed.
You should present a sketch book of ideas, a final design rendering, an orthographic drawing and the constructed final piece. The final piece should be well made, crafted and nicely finished. The final pieces will be offered for sale by auction with no reserve prices at the end of year degree show.


What way can you add “interest” to the components.
What is “beautiful”
You will need to draw and think about your solution. You will then need to “find” your stick. That will cause a random element to the design process. Perhaps the stick will cause a revision to the design. You will then need to make the piece. The making will involve cutting and drilling and assembling. What can possibly go wrong?
On the face of it this is a simple project – drill a hole in the stick and place the rod in the hole – project finished. But it is not that simple. Will the hole be at 90 degrees to the stick? Will there be a number of cuts in the stick made? How ambitious is the design? How capable are you when it comes to making? The design brief is simple but restricted. What level of design ambition will you settle for? How long will it take to design the object? Will you show any of your class mates? Will they come up with the same idea?

Power Blocks Handed In!

I finally handed in the Power Blocks on the 22nd of February , I can honestly say ive never been so happy to have finished a piece of work before. In class I got to see everyone elses ideas and some people are very creative and there was some very good designs that I had never thought of before.

Bring on the next Brief,

Sarah-Louise Reynolds